Julian Posada

Julian Posada

Assistant Professor

Yale University

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor of American Studies at Yale University and a visiting scholar at the Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the 2024-25 academic year.

My research integrates theories and methods from information science, sociology, and human-computer interaction to examine the sociocultural dimensions of information technology development and use.

My current book project, under contract with the University of California Press, investigates the dynamics between human labor and data production in the artificial intelligence industry. Incorporating Latin American critical thought, the study emphasizes the experiences of workers in the region who are employed by digital platforms to produce machine learning data and validate algorithmic outputs.

  • Platform Labor
  • Data Studies
  • Social Computing
  • Digital Ethics
  • Information Policy
  • PhD in Information Science, 2022

    University of Toronto

  • Master in Sociology, 2018

    School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences

  • Maîtrise in the Humanities, 2016

    Sorbonne University


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(2024). Remote Robotics, or the Digital Re-embodiment of Labour. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation.

(2024). Deeply Embedded Wages. Big Data & Society.

Cite Preprint Paper

(2023). Labor, Automation, and Human-Machine Communication. The SAGE Handbook of Human–Machine Communication.

Cite Preprint

(2023). Platform Authority and Data Quality. Decoding Digital Authoritarianism.

Cite PDF

(2022). Documenting Data Production Processes. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2).

Cite Paper

(2022). The Data-Production Dispositif. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2).

Cite Paper

(2022). Embedded Reproduction in Platform Data Work. Information, Communication & Society, 25(6).


(2022). Studying Up Machine Learning Data. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (GROUP).

Cite DOI Preprint

(2021). We Haven’t Gone Paperless Yet. AIES ‘21: Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society.

Cite DOI Preprint

(2021). Why AI Needs Ethics From Below. AI Now Institute.

PDF Cite

(2020). The Future of Work Is Here. Ethics in Context, 56.

Cite Preprint

(2020). Platform Labour Discourse. Democratic Communiqué, 29(1).

Cite Paper

(2019). The Platformization of Labor and Society. Society and the Internet, Vol. 2.

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